President's Trophy

The President's Trophy

The President's Trophy was awarded to Robert Crofts from WA for 2022.


Background to the President's Trophy 

In 2013/14 the Australian Hansa Class Association introduced The President’s Trophy, a perpetual trophy that will be awarded to the most consistent sailor(s) across all State/Territory Hansa Class events and the Nationals each season.

The aim of the award is to encourage sailors to attend Hansa events in States/Territories other than their own, and to reward consistency across these events.

The first 3 placegetters in each class in each State/Territory event will be awarded points –

1st place – 3 points

2nd place – 2 points

3rd place – 1 point

If you are competing in an event that is held in a state other than your home state and you place in the top three, you earn a BONUS point. The Hansa Class Nationals count for DOUBLE points for ALL place getters, regardless of the State you live in, or where the Nationals are held. *

A leader board will be maintained across the State/Territory events, with the winner decided and trophy awarded at the Nationals.

As results emerge across the sailing season, we will publish the results on this website.

* (See Terms and Conditions)



Open to sailors who are paid up members of the Australian Hansa Class Association or their NHCA prior to the first State event. The more events you attend, and the more consistently you sail, the more points you can score. 

Points will be awarded to the overall top 3 boats in each combined division (includes servo.)

1st – 3 points

2nd – 2 points

3rd – 1 point

If you are place getter in an event not in your home state, you earn an ‘interstate’ bonus point. States/Territories that don’t currently have a bone-fide State / Territory Hansa Class Championship, the members from that State will be awarded regular points for their first championship in another State and then the bonus point for placing in subsequent championships outside their State. (These States/Territories will be included in the award once details of their regattas are announced, so their sailors can score ‘interstate’ points in all interstate regattas).

Nationals count for DOUBLE points for ALL place getters – and so no one earns ‘interstate’ points, which means that residents of the State that holds the Nationals are not disadvantaged. However, when the Nationals are combined with a State/Territory Championship, no points will be awarded for the State Championships, as interstate competitors are not eligible to win the State Championships when they are combined with the Nationals.

In the 2.3 doubles, 303 doubles and SKUD 18, where you may have people from different states sailing together, the Skipper’s State will be considered the crew/boat’s home state for ‘interstate’ point allocation purposes.

If a person competes in a 2 person class and then in a single person class, they score points independently in each class and cannot add them together. If the overall winners are in a 2 person class, they share the trophy. If more than one person/team finishes on the same number of points, they share the trophy.

For example – in a mock NSW Championship

1st place – NSW Competitor – earns 3 points

2nd place – ACT Competitor (in their first interstate event for the season) – earns 2 points only – NO bonus point.

3rd place –SA Competitor (in their second interstate event for the season) – earns 1 point, plus bonus point for being interstater at second event outside their home state – total 2 points.

The winner would hold the President’s Trophy for 12 months, with it then to be returned prior to the next Nationals. 

Winners of each State class event will still be awarded the traditional prizes by the State/Territory body for each Hansa Championship.